We are very excited to get to training. We want to keep providing the results and great atmosphere to train but in the safest way possible…after all, we need to stay healthy and keep everybody open! In order to do so, we are going to be following some pretty strict procedures at Trilogy Fitness Systems and it is important that we all follow them. One of our primary values is “Caring”, in order to do that we all have to see this as a group effort!
What are we doing for Covid-19 Safety?
First are foremost, we are extensively cleaning everything in the gym. As you can see in the above image we have taped off the gym into training areas to maintain social distancing and minimize equipment crossover. We have transitioned our soap and hand sanitizers to touch-less to minimize common touch areas for you. Trilogy will also be requiring masks and a health survey upon entry. It can be answered on your phone and the answers get stored and saved for us to easily track who has been in the gym.
Not only have we stocked up on soap and cleaning supplies but the training squats will also each have mini hand sanitizers ready for you to use whenever you want to give a quick spray to your hands. The training will look very similar to what we have done before but a few minor adjustments since we will be spaced out and wearing masks.
Trilogy Covid-19 Checklist:
- Health survey upon entry – answer the questions and if you are all clear, we get to train! This lets us track and make sure everybody is healthy coming into the gym.
- Change your shoes. NO OUTSIDE SHOES will be allowed in the gym. If you forget a change of shoes – socks and barefoot will work just fine!
- Wash your hands when you get to the gym.
- Bring your own water bottle and preferably a large towel if you can. We will no longer have mini cups sitting by the water station. Current Trilogy folks have been receiving a fun goodie bag with a brand new water bottle in there just for this reason! The large towels are for your bench and mat, helps absorb the extra moisture.
- If you have your own mat bring one, it will be beneficial to reduce common touch points and shared items.
- Wear your mask. Masks are required for the gym. We have done some trial sessions and while a mild inconvenience, they aren’t that bad. We also will have plenty of breaks for you to walk outside and pop the mask off and catch your breath.
- Clean up! We will be asking for your help to wipe things down throughout the workouts and after your workout. It will take all of us working together. After you use something, give it a wipe and help us keep everything moving smoothly.
- Every training square will have their own hand sanitizer and cleaning equipment, use it! We put it there for you.
- Wash your hands when you leave the gym.
- Continue to be the amazing and awesome people that you are.
This is what we are doing RIGHT NOW and as everything seems to be changing and we learn, all of these items may change in the future. One thing is for sure though, we will put your safety and health first with everything!
We are super excited to get the gym opened back up, to start training and most importantly see your awesome faces in the gym again. If you have any questions shoot us a message and we are excited to see you in the gym again!
Team Trilogy
Helen, Matt and Lilly